Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Italian Waterfall

I guess it is time we told the story of how Elizabeth arrived. 
Well not from the beginning and not sure that is appropriate for all ages.  Let’s start with a request for dinner.  Stephanie had been craving some Maggianos.  We had planned on going Saturday night however, we could not get a table before 9pm.  So we reserved a table for Sunday Sept 4th at 5:30.  Stephanie’s folks were in town in case something happened given that the doctor had said any day she could be here.  I think you would have needed a crowbar and riot shields to keep Stephanie’s mother away from the birth of her granddaughter. 
So we arrive for dinner and our server is preggers as well.  She is due on Halloween and asks us when our due date is.  “Tomorrow” is our response.  The server eyes get large as if a baby might drop to the floor at any moment.  Here is where I placed a well-timed jab of, “It would be funny if you water broke here.”  We all chuckle at the highly unlikely scenario.  We order our meal and get through appetizers and soups and salads when Stephanie decides she needs to use the restroom.  A very common occurrence I think pregnant women have the bladder of a thimble.  I have not done a study on it, but I think I am correct on the size.  She gets up and is blocked by another server dropping off food to the table behind us.  At this moment our server comes up and ask if Stephanie is ok.  Stephanie just nods I am fine and then I look at her and ask again,  “You okay?”  This time Stephanie changes her cadence and says, “Um no I think my water just broke.”  From there her dad and I go into full panic mode.  He jumps up knocks over eleven people and runs for the car.  (This might not have happened exactly like I am telling it).  Stephanie and her mother head to the restroom cause Stephanie still has to pee regardless if fluids are leaking all over her.  I would love to tell you that the floor was covered in fluid and a waiter tripped throwing spaghetti onto a two nearby tables.  However, her “accident” was much more subdued.  Our server tells us just head out, “I will let my manager know.”   In hindsight we should have stayed and finished the meal…with towels of course. 
Stephanie’s father and I paced outside of the restaurant waiting for the leaky woman and her mother.  It seems like it took an hour for them to get outside.  I actually got impatient and went in and founded the ladies trying to be discreet which made them look very noticeable as they creeped towards the exit.  We called our doctor’s office and they told us to head to the hospital.  The attached pic is a wonderful picture of Stephanie as we were checking in.  You do not have to look too hard to see she has wet herself.  You can thank her mother for this wonderful picture.  They decided she was in fact leaking and they we were admitted.  FYI she continued to leak for days.  Women are like leaky faucets.  Next post will be about how I almost pulled a hammy during delivery.  Oh and the arrival of Elizabeth.  Mostly about my hammy.

1 comment:

  1. This is agood begining now we need pictures of the baby

    Dad in Panama
