Friday, October 28, 2011

Meet and Greet

Tummy Time

Yesterday, Liz and I made a trip to her daycare for introductions.  We met all the ladies who will be taking care of Liz when I return to work and they all thought Liz was so adorable.  I am not looking forward to the day I return to work but feel a smidge better since I got to spend some time at the daycare.  We spent about 45 minutes there watching them interact with the other babies and Lizzie.  

Then since Liz was in such a good mood we made a trip to Daddy's work.  After taking to tour and meeting his co-workers, I took her to my office.  Everyone was so excited to meet her and thinks she is a cutie.  And we agree!

Whatcha doing Mom?

Bear-y Cute Feet

Raising my head with a smile

Hand-Made shoes from Clemintina (de la paz).  Her friend from Guatamala made them for Lizzie.

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