Sunday, January 8, 2012

Lizzie's First Christmas

Lizzie had such fun on her first Christmas.  Grandma and Grandpa D drove up from TN to spend Christmas with us.  We got up early to open presents.  Liz's sat in my lap and I opened up her presents with a little help from her.  Her favorite was red tissue paper.  She received many great gifts and thanks everyone for their thoughtfulness including Santa.  After gifts we cooked french toast.  While I was cooking, Grandma and Grandpa M called from French Harbor.  We enjoyed chatting with them and hearing how they were going to celebrate Christmas.  We attended the afternoon Christmas mass which Liz napped through.  It was a great first Christmas with Liz and hope everyone enjoyed the day as much as we did. 

Lizzie and Daddy

Mommy and Lizzy

Wow...look at all my gifts

I can't wait to start ripping through the wrapping paper

1 comment:

  1. Love those pictures of our girl! We printed one out and hung it on the wall of the boat. We also changed our desktop to a photo of Lizzie reaching for Owen taken on New Year's Day.
    Love, Grandma
