Monday, January 30, 2012

January - where have you gone?

I can't believe how fast time is flying. Liz is 21 weeks today.  So hard to believe.  A few weeks ago I had my first business trip since baby.  Andrew, Liz and Jack home alone.  I knew it was going to have to happen, but it didn't make it any easier.  I took a video of Liz on my phone so I could watch and listen to her babbling.  I called home so I could talk to her before she went to bed.  This was Andrew's first experience waking her up and putting her to bed.  Getting her up is easy.  He had a rough time getting her to bed.  She was screaming for Mommy a long while before she would give up and fall asleep.  He is going to put her to bed at least once a week to make it easier when I travel.  I will be traveling in February and March.  
She loves standing up and looking around.  She can almost sit by herself and is working on rolling over.  No rolling yet, but getting close.  She giggles and smiles more frequently and it melts your heart. 

Some misc pictures for your enjoyment.

Pouty Face - I am ready for bed!

Showing off her new hat

you talking to me


  1. Got to love that pouty face but glad I cant hear the crying!. Liz is growing fast will be thinking of all of you on Sunday for Christening

    Grandpa and Grandma

  2. She's such a cutie pie!! I know it's tough travelling and leaving Lizzie (and Andrew) behind. Hopefully you won't have to do too much of that, but she's in capable hands! And it's a good idea to have Andrew put her to bed once a week so that she gets used to that - and it's great bonding time for them.

  3. I have the pouty face picture on my desk so I see it frequently, it makes my day and I can't keep from smiling every time ! I like the one with her new hat too but all of them are cute, as is she !!
