Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Lizzie's first Easter was a bust.  We had planned on attending church, having a nice lunch and going to the park to take pictures.  However, because I was sick and Liz didn't feel good, we stayed home and napped on the couch all day.  Not that napping on the couch together is a bad thing ;)  We change Liz into her Easter dress and went outside to take a few pictures.  Liz feels better but I am still sick.  Guess I will be heading to the doctor :(
Lizzie's signature picture pose


What's in the basket?

She doesn't look happy with me.  I think I was trying to take the egg away.

I will lick your face


  1. It stinks that you and Lizzie were sick on Easter. But at least she had her Easter "bonnet" on and a pretty dress and a basket filled with goodies . . .

  2. She sure is a cutie!! She is so expressive you can almost tell what she is thinking!!

    Hugs and kisses to you all!

    Love,Great Grandma Hinen

  3. Sorry you were sick but at least we have "first Easter " pictures way to follow thru . Hope everyone gets better soon.

    Grandpa and Grandma M.
