Sunday, February 26, 2012


Liz has started to play with her feet regularly.  She really enjoys sucking on her toes - it's similar to a thumb, right? 

Those feet don't have a chance to run away

I love my big toe
We decided to introduce rice cereal today.  She did well and ate about half of the bowl.  No big messes but not sure if she likes it.  It is hard to believe our little girl will be 6 months old next week. 
First bite

Liz is not sure about rice cereal

I like the spoon

Got more on my chin than in my mouth

I've got cereal on my face. Whatcha gonna do about it?

I'm done
And one last photo.  Mom and Liz hamming it up for the camera. (for whatever reason I can't get the picture to load correctly)
Hello Grandma and Grandpa


  1. She's such a cutie!! Don't you wish you could stunt her growth sometimes?

    By the looks of it, I think she'd rather eat her big toe than rice cereal. Cute picture of her with cereal on her face (and you and her hamming it up for the camera).

    I can't wait to see all of you again - don't know when that will be though!


    Aunt Denise

  2. Yes, she is our little baby doll! Wouldn't mind sucking her toes too! : ) She's too little for 'toe jam' yet! hahahaha

    Love yas!
    Gramma D

  3. Love the pix especially the two girls, when the boat heels the picture is just right. We cant believe she is six months either!!

    Love Grandpa and Grandma M
