Sunday, February 26, 2012


Liz has started to play with her feet regularly.  She really enjoys sucking on her toes - it's similar to a thumb, right? 

Those feet don't have a chance to run away

I love my big toe
We decided to introduce rice cereal today.  She did well and ate about half of the bowl.  No big messes but not sure if she likes it.  It is hard to believe our little girl will be 6 months old next week. 
First bite

Liz is not sure about rice cereal

I like the spoon

Got more on my chin than in my mouth

I've got cereal on my face. Whatcha gonna do about it?

I'm done
And one last photo.  Mom and Liz hamming it up for the camera. (for whatever reason I can't get the picture to load correctly)
Hello Grandma and Grandpa

Sunday, February 12, 2012


We got our first 'big' snow of the season this weekend - 2 inches.  It started snowing Friday and throughout the day on Saturday.  The majority of it melted Sunday.  My Mom bought Lizzie a sled, so I bundled her up and we went out to play in the snow before it was gone. 

I am having so much fun!

Weee Weeee Wee Weee Weeeeeee

Holding on tight

hi mom

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Elizabeth's Baptism

Grandma and Grandpa Davenport, Isaiah, and Jim came up this weekend for Liz's baptism.  Saturday, the boys went to see a movie and the girls went shopping.  We met up for dinner at Maggiano's to celebrate my parents 35th wedding anniversary.  Sunday, Liz was baptised.  This is a very special time for us and we are thankful we our family was able to attend.  Cruising grandparents were in our thoughts and prayers.  After her baptism, we enjoyed a cake I made and began make Super Bowl snacks.

Lizzie's cake

Brothers Merritt hamming it up

the gang

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

Fr. Cortier, Godmother Grandma, Liz, Steph, Andrew, Proxy Godfather Jim

Liz with her baptismal cloth

Liz and Uncle Jim

I am so excited about the Super Bowl!!