Saturday, June 11, 2011

Registering for Baby

We spent the day wondering the aisles of the baby store.  Overwhelmed by all the choices--type of bottle, tub, car seat, nail clippers.  After several hours, we believe we have selected the majority of the items needed to take care of Elizabeth.  When we returned home, I was online reading customer ratings and comments, verifing we made good choices.  Andrew was in charge of the scan gun and could not resist scanning Monkey Butt (whatever that is).  His phrase of the day was 'if that's the one you want.'  After a long day and lots of decisions- we are registered at Babies R Us and Target. 


  1. Boys and their toys! He looks like a 'real' Dad with scanner gun in hand!

  2. Make sure he didn't scan any toys for himself. Babies don't need flat screen tv's!
