Sunday, June 26, 2011

Preparing for Labor

Last weekend we bought the dresser a.k.a. changing table for Elizabeth.  As you can see from the picture it is a very solid piece of furniture (150lbs).  We flipped it end over end to get it in the house.  Now to get it up the stairs.  Andrew didn't want to take it out of the box because he didn't want us to scratch it or the wall.  We made several attempts to get it up the stairs with no luck.  I said we should take it out of the box and remove the drawers to lighten the load.  So Sunday, we took it out of the box, removed the drawers and made another attempt up the stairs.  This time successfully. 

This weekend we attended an all day class about labor.  We now know different labor positions, breathing techniques, when to call the doctor and what to expect during each phase.  So we are now prepared for labor, right?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Registering for Baby

We spent the day wondering the aisles of the baby store.  Overwhelmed by all the choices--type of bottle, tub, car seat, nail clippers.  After several hours, we believe we have selected the majority of the items needed to take care of Elizabeth.  When we returned home, I was online reading customer ratings and comments, verifing we made good choices.  Andrew was in charge of the scan gun and could not resist scanning Monkey Butt (whatever that is).  His phrase of the day was 'if that's the one you want.'  After a long day and lots of decisions- we are registered at Babies R Us and Target. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Last weekend, after we purchased the CX9, we stopped by the baby store to buy the crib.  It came in two huge boxes, that I thought would fit in our large SUV.  No such luck, they were too wide.  Tuesday, Andrew's co-worker used his pickup truck to deliver the crib to the house.  We put the crib together on Thursday.  The most difficult part was the drawer in the bottom.  The rails were not installed correctly and we spent 45 minutes trying to get the drawer in before we figured it out.