Saturday, June 30, 2012

Crawling from here to there

Liz started to crawl one day before she turned nine months - June 4th 2012.  It is amazing to see how those first tentive moves have transformed.  She crawls everywhere and is getting faster by the day.  Liz is now pulling herself up on whatever is near by - coffee table, chair, Mom, Dad.  And is standing up pushing a box around the living room. 

I'm going to get you

Blue eyes

standing but trying to eat Mom's hand

cutie pie

Tongue twisting
The above video is of Liz's first moves.  The next video is of Liz pushing her box, kind of.

Swim Time

We visited Nashville a couple of weekends ago and took Liz for her first swim. 
Liz modeling her swimsuit

Liz isn't sure about the water

Jack walking on the edge of the pool

Mom concentrating

Liz likes the fish boat much better.

Dad pushing Liz around the pool

Liz chewing on a dive ring

All the swimming really tuckers a little baby out

It's been awhile

It has been awhile since I posted anything to Liz's blog.  Time flies by when you are having so much fun.  I have been looking through pictures and found these that I thought I would share - some old, some new.  Hopefully I haven't posted some of these in the past. 

Newborn Liz in her coming home outfit

Liz and her Daddy napping on the couch

catching some zzz's

Thow my ball, please

grocery shopping

napping on Steph's hand

Trying solid food for the first time
Doctor's appointment - having fun with the paper. 

Bath time

Liz and her Daddy hanging out on the couch

Liz and all her toys

You caught me

Liz swinging in her new swing

Daddy and Liz napping

Pretty girl