Sunday, August 14, 2011

3 Weeks and Counting Down

It is hard to believe but only three weeks until my due date.  Time has flown by.  I have swollen feet, sleep sitting upright and tire easily.  We now have the essentials for Lizzy.  I've washed all the clothes and blankets and have put everything in it's place. Andrew and I are as ready as we can be.  And now just waiting on Liz to make her debut.

Denise took some pictures of my prego belly last week and here are just a few. 

Baby Shower

Last weekend, Denise hosted a baby shower.  She did and excellent job and it was a lot of fun.  It was great seeing everyone. 
Onesies were mailed out with the invites and guests were asked to decorate them.  Everyone was so creative and did an excellent job.  I loved all of them. 

My department threw a baby shower for Andrew and I this past week.  It was a luncheon and we received the car seat, extra base as well as some other items. 

School is in Session

We have been busy over the past month taking classes to help prepare us for baby Lizzie. 

Hospital Tour - We started with a tour of the hospital.  It was our first time to Bethesda North and well worth it.  We know what to expect from check in until we are discharged and the rooms we will be in.  So when labor starts, Andrew knows where to take me.

Labor Class - A full Saturday of watching videos and learning about the various stages of labor.  Andrew doesn't think we will remember any of the breathing techniques and I think he is right considering I can only remember one right now.  The instructors were funny and picked on Andrew.  The class eased some of the apprehension I towards delivery. 

Breast Feeding and Beyond - Andrew didn't want to go to this class but is glad that he did as he doesn't have anything to do except offer encouragement.  I know it will take time and patience, but the benefits are too good to ignore.  We learned some basic techniques and benefits of breast feeding.  As well as transitioning back to the workplace and how to make breast feeding work.  Andrew's encouraging words "get a latch and latch on"

Taking Care of Baby and Mom - Most instructive - we now have the confidence to take care of Lizzie.  We learned how to diaper, give a bath, hold the baby, trim nails, swaddle, safety, and some other stuff.  We also learned what I can expect after delivery (I had no idea and it freaked me out a little). 

Signing for Babies - We are going to teach Lizzie signing.  We learned a lot of signs during the class.  Our hope is less tantrums.  We will have to stick to it and help it will help her communicate earlier.  On a side note - our daycare also teaches signing. 

Now that we have been to all the classes, we are "ready" for a baby.